One afternoon we were walking on Jaffa Road, the main street of modern Jerusalem, just returning from visiting the homes of some of our Arab believers. We were passing through the busiest section of the city and the street was packed with people, all Jews, when suddenly I remembered that we intended to do a bit of shopping but had already passed the particular locality. Mrs. Fried suggested that we turn back and attend to it, but I thought that the matter was of very little importance and could be taken care of next day, and so I suggested that we continue homeward, since it was close to supper time.
We walked only a few steps when I was strangely pressed to return, after all, and attend to the shopping. We turned back and had walked in the opposite direction only about a hundred feet when back of us we heard the most terrific explosion that seemed to be right beside us, but actually was about two hundred feet away. A bomb had been thrown, probably from a passing car, into the midst of the crowd. Next day we went to the scene, and, as far as we were able to calculate, had we failed to turn back at the time we did, we would have been at the very spot where the explosion took place! -- Sunday School Times
Near Sardinia
21 hours ago
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