This question seems to be asked a lot lately. Perhaps, it is because of several presidential candidates are of the Mormon faith. I find the question really interesting. The reason I do is because it presupposes that a correct understanding of doctrine is essential to salvation. That certainly seems like a work-based righteousness. If I don't believe intellectually correct, then I am lost. That seems to take away from the finished work of Yeshua on the cross. Read the following statement from the Mormon faith: "The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it" (TPJS, p. 121). I wonder if the Christians who condemn all Mormons have read the above quote.
Being a follower of YHWH is about relationship, not intellect. You are right with YHWH if you are in relationship with Him. You may have some specific teachings that fall outside the mainline churches, but they will not destroy relationship. Being in a relationship is about loving each other, communicating with each other, spending time with each other, and wanting to be with each other. We can look at the marriage relationship to gain an understanding of what a relationship should look like. A Mormon, a Catholic, a Baptist, or any other denomination can have a relationship with YHWH even though there is disagreement over specific teachings.
If we think about it, the Mormons do have some strange doctrines. However, the Catholics do also, e.g. the communion wafer becoming the real body and blood of Jesus Christ. Most all followers of the Way have some quirky ideas. Perhaps, it is time to focus on the body of Yeshua as composed of many different people in a relationship with Him yet with different ideas about how to worship Him. Would not it be great if the body would quit shooting its other parts?
Power Harnessed
11 hours ago