Yesterday, we looked at the word "new." Today, we are going to focus on the word torah. Jeremiah 31:33 states: But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith YHWH, I will put my torah in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their Elohim, and they shall be my people." We have seen that YHWH did not change the torah, only its location. It was on tablets of stone, but in the New Covenant it is written on the hearts of His followers. Some misunderstand the nature of torah. It is error to teach that the torah was the basis of salvation to those under the Old Covenant. Some contend that the Jews were saved by the works of the law. They claim that salvation came through obedience to the law of YHWH. Torah comes from yarah. Its meaning is instruction, doctrine, regulation, direction, and statute. The essential meaning is teaching whether it is the wise man instructing his son or Elohim instructing Israel. The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament states: "The wise give insight into all aspects of life so that the young may know how to conduct themselves and to live a long blessed life. So too God, motivated by love, reveals to man basic insight into how to live with each other and how to approach God. Through the law God shows his interest in all aspects of man's life which is to be lived under his direction and care." The torah is YHWH's method of teaching His people how to live. YHWH expected His covenant people to live lives that were set apart and different from the surrounding nations.
Which came first: salvation and deliverance from Egypt or the torah? We all know that the children of Israel were saved from the bondage of Egypt prior to receiving the torah. The torah had nothing to do with the Hebrews deliverance from Egypt. YHWH made a covenant with His people prior to the torah being given. As the Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament states: "Covenant precedes law; and the law was given only to the nation which had entered into covenant with God.... The law specifically is the stipulations of the covenant." Therefore, to be clear, YHWH had accepted the Jews as His covenant people. He agreed to be their Elohim and they agreed to do as He said. What YHWH said was the torah.
Joshua 1:8 says in the King James Version version: "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success." This verse promises success and prosperity to those that keep the law in their mouths, meditate on it, and obey it. The Hebrew word translated law is torah. To dismiss torah is to be disobedient to YHWH's instruction. To disregard His teachings is to dishonor Him. If your community of believers are among those that dismiss torah, you should carefully consider the implications. This is more than just eating right. It goes to the core of the relationship with YHWH.
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12 hours ago