Yesterday we learned that G-d has blessed you (which means "empowered" or "endued with power") so that you would be successful. The Unabridged Dictionary defines "success" as the "favorable or prosperous termination of endeavors." This means that you have received favor from G-d in the form of "the blessing" that whatever you attempt to do will end with a favorable or prosperous end result. Here is where it can get tricky; you must believe and confess G-d's Word ("I am blessed") even if it the circumstances don't agree. Remember circumstances change but G-d's Word doesn't. You can only see where you are at, but G-d knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10) and it is from His perspective that I want you to focus. He says you are blessed and He knows the circumstances may end in several different ways(here is where trust becomes important). When you face your situation that doesn't look blessed and pronounce "I am blessed," you are applying G-d's Word directly to the circumstances and declaring His opinion about your situation. Guess which one is going to change (hint: it isn't G-d's Word because it is eternal).
Today, face every situation that comes your way with a firm conviction that G-d has said "you are blessed!"
Here is a good prayer for today: "Father, regardless of my circumstances today, I know that I am blessed. I have taken my place as your child and I expect to walk in the blessing today. You are taking care of me and I walk in love and in wisdom and in the fullness of the blessing."
Thought Police (rewind)
17 hours ago
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