The Beijing Olympics began on Friday. You can hear all the wonderful comments about how much this accomplishment means to the Chinese people. You can see the smiles of the leaders and the happiness of their people. You can see and hear of all the progress the nation of China has made. You can see the incredible opening ceremonies and marvel at the beauty of it all. You can be drawn in and forget that you are hearing and seeing only one side, a very small side, of what is really taking place.
China persecutes Christians. They hurt, jail and kill believers for doing exactly what most will do tomorrow by going to the church of their choice. Read the following statement from CBC News:
"Despite promises from Chinese authorities to improve the country's human rights record for the Beijing Summer Olympics, some high-profile citizens are being kept under close supervision until the Games are over.
While millions of Chinese are preparing to celebrate the opening ceremonies on Friday, others, such as author Yu Jie, will miss the festivities.
Yu's works have been banned in mainland China since 2004, when he was arrested for planning to write about China's jailed dissidents.
Since then, around every major holiday, two national security officers have been posted outside his Beijing apartment.
Yu said he will get the same treatment from the officers during the Beijing Games, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
And while he is allowed to wander around his neighbourhood, he can't leave it unless the agents drive him.
'It's illegal what they're doing to me,' Yu told CBC News in a recent interview. 'There's no law that says they can treat me like this.'"
You are not seeing the true China when you see the pagentry of the Olympics. Don't be fooled; pray for those that are being held captive for their faith in Jesus Christ. Pray for the house church leaders and their families that they will stand strong in the face of the persecution. Pray that the leaders hearts will soften toward the church in China. As Christians we don't want to be like the traitors of our nation when visiting Vietnam during the 1960's, when the same smiling officials were responsible for torturing the POW's. Don't forget what is realling taking place every day to your brothers and sisters in Christ. Use the Olympics as a reminder to pray for the persecuted church. And don't forget what they endure for the cause of Jesus Christ.
21 hours ago
Good post! I actually ordered some 'pray for China' reminder bracelets for people at Church that Voice of the Martyrs is sending out. We really do need to pray for our brothers and sisters over there!
I agree that we must not forget the "real China" behind the face of the Olympics. However, I think that even this Olympics will be used by God to bring individuals and testimonies of Christ into contact with the Chinese people even in that environment.
I also believe that this might be yet another step in the cracking of the communist regime. Capitalism and economic growth have made deep inroads. Through the informational highways, technological breakthroughs, and even "cultural" openings" such as the Olympics, the stranglehold of Communism may be somewhat relaxed allowing steady improvements over time for the Chinese Christians.
The battle is far from won. However as we pray for the persecuted church, we should also pray for the continued weakening of the holds of darkness over that culture through whatever means God chooses to use...even at the Olympics. Just a few thoughts. Appreciate you all!
- Rick
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