Has the American church lost the desire to separate from evil? Has the desire to be relevant resulted in being ashamed of the Gospel? I think it is time for the true church to go back to the practice of separation. No; this is not a call to live in a convent or a military compound. We are to separate from evil yet live close enough to it to be a witness to the saving power of the Gospel. You can't be a witness unless you are around those that need the witness. However, in being that witness we are not to compromise the message that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. We are not to participate in "Interfaith services" where Allah is prayed to; we are not to stand in agreement with those that deny Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. We are to reject what is called "New Age" Christianity because it is neither. John Calvin said the following regarding separation:
"We must be made holy, we must be cleansed from pride,worldliness, and self-will, in order that we may do what is right and just,that is, submit to God’s will when he chastises us; and when this submission or righteousness takes place, then correction produces a peaceable or a blessed fruit, that is, such an effect, or such a blessing, as peace or happiness."
Regarding the difference between a Christianity that is genuine versus one that is nominal, Charles Spurgeon said:
"THE man who is righteous before God has a way of his own. It is not the way of the flesh, nor the way of the world; it is a way marked out for him by the divine command, in which he walks by faith. It is the King’s highway of holiness, the unclean shall not pass over it; only the ransomed of the Lord shall walk there, and these shall find it a path of separation from the world. Once entered upon the way of life, the pilgrim must persevere in it or perish, for thus saith the Lord, “If any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.” Perseverance in the path of faith and holiness is a necessity of the Christian, for only “he that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved.” It is in vain to spring up quickly like the seed
that was sown upon the rock, and then by and by to wither when the sun is up; that would but prove that such a plant has no root in itself, but “the trees of the Lord are full of sap,” and they abide and continue and bring forth fruit, even in old age, to show that the Lord is upright. There is a great difference between nominal Christianity and real Christianity, and this is generally seen in the failure of the one and the continuance of the other."
Let us examine ourselves, our doctrine and our practice to determine if we are in obedience to 2 Corinthians 6:17: "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you...." The William Burkitt New Testament says of this verse:"Learn hence, That God expects and requires his saints should make a separation from all uncleanness, but especially from the uncleanness of idolatry. God expects a separation from us, from all unclean courses, from all unclean company, from the presence and appearance of all uncleanness, from communion with idolatrous churches, and from communicating with what is sinful in the truest churches of Christ upon earth."
We need separation; we don't need seeker sensitive services. We need separation; we don't need another signs and wonders conference with extra Biblical teaching. We need separation; we don't need another book about our "purpose" or "our best life now";we need separation, period.
20 hours ago
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