As if we needed another study Bible with a targeted audience, now the American Patriot Bible makes its appearance. Here is the description:
THE ONE BIBLE THAT SHOWS HOW 'A LIGHT FROM ABOVE' SHAPED OUR NATION. Never has a version of the Bible targeted the spiritual needs of those who love our country more than The American Patriot's Bible. This extremely unique Bible shows how the history of the United States connects the people and events of the Bible to our lives in a modern world. The story of the United States is wonderfully woven into the teachings of the Bible and includes a beautiful full-color family record section, memorable images from our nation's history and hundreds of enlightening articles which complement the New King James Version Bible text.
God's covenant is with the nation of Israel, not the United States of America. When we become disciples of Jesus Christ and are born from above, we are grafted into the commonwealth of Israel. We don't become Jews because being Jewish is a matter of blood line. It is an ethnic designation, like being Irish. I have not seen this Bible, but the description indicates that the emphasis is on our nation as opposed to Israel. We need to be very careful to remember what God's covenants are and who they are with. I will probably purchase the Bible, however, because I do enjoy American history. A follow up will occur at a later time after I have actually looked at the Bible.
Near Sardinia
8 hours ago
Has not God's blessing been passed on to the Gentiles? The Jewish faith rejected our Saviour,Yeshua, 2000 years ago and still rejects the Messiah even to this day. I know that we,the gentiles, have been adopted into God's family and have the same inheritance as those of the Pre-Christ Jewish faith do. If the Jews do not accept Yeshua as Lord and Saviour then they will receive the same punishment as any other unbeliever.
Thank the Lord that the Apostle Paul understood this because Peter was just taking the Gospel to the Jews and Paul had the revelation to take it to the Gentiles.
My point I was trying to make is that the focus is longer on the Jewish nation but on the body of Christ. We, the Saints, are now God's elect and chosen people. The Father has blessed us with the sacrifice of the Son to bring us into his fold. I do agree with you on not putting the emphasis on the United States, but I also think that the emphasis on Israel being special is overplayed. The Jews were a blessed nation because God would bring the Messiah from their lineage as a sacrifice for all who would accept him.
I'm not much on special bibles, but I do think emphasizing America's Christian roots is a good thing. The Church is under attack by the left wing liberals who would see it dissolved and establish a national "religion" of secular humanism. Two more states have ruled in favor of Homosexual Marriages. Congress is trying to pass laws the COULD try and restrict Pastor's from speaking out against homosexuality by making it a hate crime. There are also bills out there that could grant Federal Government protection to Pedophiles and over 3000 human babies are being slaughtered everyday. The United States is falling apart at the seems and we the Church are standing by the wayside doing nothing about it.
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