The following excerpt is taken from When God Stepped Down From Heaven by Reverend Owen Murphy:
When men in the streets are afraid to open their mouths and utter godless words lest the judgments of God should fall; when sinners, overawed by the presence of God tremble in the streets and cry for mercy; when, without special meetings and sensational advertising, the Holy Ghost sweeps across cities and towns in supernatural power and holds men in the grip of terrifying conviction; when "every shop becomes a pulpit, every heart an altar, every home a sanctuary" and people walk softly before God--THIS IS REVIVAL!
How it Began
Preparation must precede revival! The Word of God, history, and the gracious visitation of God to the Hebrides emphasizes this fact. And that preparation must begin with God's people.
History turned another page when the Free Church Presbytery of Lewis met in the town of Stornoway to discuss the appalling spiritual conditions existing in their communities. While the haunts of sin were crowded, churches were almost empty. In many places youth had almost disappeared from the House of God and it seemed only a matter of time before many churches would have to close their doors. No one, however, ever dreamed for a moment that this special meeting was destined to be the preliminary to the amazing spiritual awakening that was to come.
Amongst the many who were deeply concerned about the desperate spiritual condition of the churches, was a little group of men who lived at Barvas, the district that was to become the center of the outbreak of revival. As they met in a little wooden barn, greatly burdened for revival for their community, and began to pray, there suddenly dawned upon them, like a flash of light, the great fact of God as a COVENANT-KEEPING God who had made COVENANT PROMISES!
"If this is true," they reasoned, "we can enter into a covenant with Him, and, if we keep OUR part of it, then HE must keep His!" Has God given a "covenant promise" for revival" Immediately the words of God in 2 Chronicles 7:14 came to them:
"If My people which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and heal their land."
That night they entered into a solemn covenant with God, to take upon themselves the "burden" for revival for the community, to humble themselves, and to prevail in prayer UNTIL REVIVAL CAME!
Near Sardinia
8 hours ago
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