The following quote is courtesy of the ministry First Fruits of Zion:
"Yes, Christianity has drifted far from biblical standards. But the same could be said of all forms of liberal Judaism. Christianity's failure to keep the specifically Jewish aspects of the Torah is not responsible for her moral drift. Rather it is an outright rejection of the authority of Scripture. It is assimilation into the world."
Most would agree that the religion called Christianity has drifted far from practical righteousness. The divorce rate among believers is comparable to those outside the faith. Famous ministers divorcing each other, homosexuality, pornography, prostitution, greed, lying, etc. are far too common among even the leadership in Christianity. Is there a difference between the Christian and the world, and if not, why not? I propose that the modern Christian church has become a business enterprise and is operated like a business. There has been a departure from Torah standards for living as well as a general lack of fear of God. No, I'm not just talking about in eternity, I am talking about in the here and now. God is portrayed as "big grandpa" in the sky that loves everybody and He winks at our indiscretions. Such may be the opinion of leadership, but is it Biblical? Where do you see in the Bible God minimizing sin and its consequences? Where do you see the pastors and prophets seeking to provide "inner healing" from childhood troubles? Where do you see the real fear of God today? Is it in your church? Is it found in your life? If you don't have that real fear of God in your life, I suggest that you have rejected the authority of Scripture. God has instructed us how to live in the Torah; yet, we choose to disregard His instructions on our own authority. We are setting ourselves as gods to make our own value judgments on what is good and bad. Such a path dishonors God, rejects Scripture, and is certain to bring negative consequences in this life. Selah.
Caribbean Photos
7 hours ago
Thanks for your encouragement.
As someone who is not currently connected to the greater body of Messiah--in part because of my (and my husband's) conviction about living a more Torah-based life--it's good to hear from an objective 3rd party that this is not necessarily a bad choice for us, given what we find in many churches.
I wish we lived near your church! :)
I have been attacked by "evangelical Christians" for simply pointing out, how can we say we are followers of Jesus Christ when He kept the Torah and we don't. Our family does our best to live according to the Torah. You are not alone. There are more than you think. Thank you for the kind word. Please check back often as I do add new material on a regular basis. Blessings,
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