If I was to ask you what faith you were, most of you would respond that you are a Christian. What does that mean? Most would respond by saying, "I am a follower of Jesus Christ." Then, I would say, "Are you really?" What day of the week do you go with your community of believers for corporate worship? Jesus went on the Sabbath (Saturday), what day do you go? Jesus kept the Sabbath holy. Do you? Jesus didn't eat pork, shellfish, oysters, shrimp, lobster, or other shellfish, do you? Jesus believed that the Torah would continue until heaven and earth passed away, do you? Jesus never celebrated Christmas or Easter, do you? Jesus celebrated the Biblical feasts and holidays such as Passover, unleavened bread, and tabernacles. Does the modern church even know what these holidays are? Does the church know what there purpose was or what month they occurred in? Jesus did, as He celebrated all the holidays and feasts because they were commanded by His Father, YHWH. Jesus obeyed the Torah perfectly; today, many claim that they are free in the "spirit" to behave as they please without consequences.
Does it seem correct to call yourself a Christian when Christians don't practice their faith like Jesus did or like the first disciples did? Does it seem correct to call yourself a Christian because a man of questionable morals in the 4TH Century started a religion to unite his country and completely severed the Hebraic connections to the early believers in Jesus? I suggest it is time for a new label, one that correctly identifies true followers of Jesus. A label that connects the role of Jesus as the Messiah with His Hebraic roots. A label that says, I am following my Master, His name is Yeshua (there was no "J" in Hebrew in the first century so He was never called Jesus). A label that says I am voluntarily placing myself under the Torah and will obey to my best ability. I will worship as Yeshua worshipped. I will eat like Yeshua ate. I will celebrate like Yeshua celebrated. I am a believer in Messianic Judaism and His name is Yeshua.
Caribbean Photos
7 hours ago
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