In the Book of Second Kings, we are told of the story of a widow woman that came to the prophet Elisha for help. Her husband had died and she had a ruthless creditor that intended to take her two sons as slaves for payment of the debt. Elisha says to her, "What should I do for you? Inform me, what do you have in the house?" The widow replied that she only had a pot of oil. Elisha tells her to borrow pots and vessels from everywhere. Then, she is to pour her oil into those containers. The oil does not stop pouring until every vessel she has is filled. Elisha then tells her to sell the oil, pay off the debt, and her and her two sons can live the rest of their lives on the remainder of the proceeds. Nice story, but is there a deeper message? I think so.
Elisha asks the widow what she had to work with it. I believe the message is that you already possess what you need to be a success. What we have to do, is find our "oil." YHWH has given every one of us talents. We need to discover those talents and trust Him to give us the determination to make happen our hearts desire. The widow did not want her sons to be slaves. That was her main desire in life. Elisha, as a prophet of YHWH, took what she had and gave her instruction. We need prophets of instruction today. Men and women of YHWH that will teach the truth, not for personal gain, but for the gain of others. If the widow had not believed the instruction she would have only had her small pot of oil. However, because of her faith in the words of the prophet, she ended up with an overflow of abundance. Think about it; she went from a place of debt about ready to lose her two sons to retirement in one day.
How do we find our oil? First, hear the words of the prophet. Find someone that you believe to have the prophetic words of YHWH operating in his or her life. Second, receive and act on the instruction. You may look foolish now, but know that you will be the one laughing when the abundance arrives. Third, do not be selfish. Share the truth of what you have learned with others. Remember that you have inside you everything you need to walk in abundance. Now, go and find it.
Power Harnessed
23 hours ago
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