Right after Yeshua explains the power of unity, his blood family comes and calls for Him. Verses 31-35 read: And His mother and His brothers came; and standing outside they sent to Him and called Him. And a crowd was sitting about Yeshua; and they said to Him, "Your mother and Your brothers are outside, asking for You." And Yeshua asked, "Who are My mother and My brothers?" And looking around on those who sat about Him, He said, "Here are My mother and My brothers! Whoever does the will of God is My brother, and sister, and mother." Was Yeshua discounting His family? Absolutely not! Family was extremely important to the first century Jewish culture. Plus, there is substantial support for the view that Yeshua's family was a vital part of His ministry. Scholars make a strong case that three of the original twelve disciples were from Yeshua's blood line. James, His brother, lead the Jerusalem church from Yeshua's resurrection in 30AD until James was killed in 62AD. Then another blood relative of Yeshua took over the Jerusalem work until his death. Then another blood relative was appointed to lead the work. It is same to say that at some point, Yeshua's family was very supportive of His ministry at least during its later stages. So what was Yeshua teaching with His question?
Remember chapter 1:15; Yeshua taught that the Kingdom of Elohim was at hand for those that would repent (tear down their house and receive the new Kingdom). Yeshua's point is that His family is the Kingdom of Elohim, which is made up of those that repent and believe the gospel. It is not restricted to His natural family. It is open to all. The other point that Yeshua makes is that His spiritual family is not composed of those that think right, but those that do right. Whoever does the will of God is Yeshua's brother, and sister, and mother. This is the Hebrew way. It is not about creeds and doctrines; it is about what we believe as evidenced by what we do, not what we pledge to believe. Yeshua's message is that Elohim's Kingdom is composed of those that do His will as expressed in the commandments of God. God has told us how to live and if we are going to be a part of the Kingdom, we must obey.
Are you part of the Kingdom of Elohim? What do your actions say about what you really believe? Are you the brother or sister of Yeshua? Look into the mirror and answer.
Power Harnessed
12 hours ago