In Mark chapter 4, verses 3-9, 13-20, Yeshua both tells and explains the Parable of the Sower. In this parable, He tells of a person that went about sowing seeds and they fall on four types of ground: the wayside, stony, thorny, and good. All humans fall into one of the four types of ground. The wayside are those where Satan comes and steals the seed immediately. The stony ground is those that receive the seed, but when trouble comes, they abandon, or give up what they have received. The thorny ground represents those that hear the word, but the desires of the world are too strong and the truth is choked from them. Of course, Yeshua explains that the seed is the word. All three types have an encounter with the word, but it yields no lasting results. Only the fourth ground produces a yield; the good ground represents those that hear the word, receive it, and act on it.
Remember Yeshua's first teaching becomes central to what Yeshua is teaching in this parable. His first message was, "Repent, for the Kingdom of Elohim has come." Repentance is central to being in the Kingdom. In this parable, don't dismiss who the audience is; they are all in an agricultural community. They understand that ground can be changed. Stones and thorns can be removed. Ground can be broken up to become good ground. The breaking up of the ground will keep Satan away from your land. You can become good ground; this is Yeshua's message in the parable. If you choose to be bad ground you can, or you can choose to become good ground through a life of repentance. What type of ground do you what to be? This is an underlying principle of this parable.
You are a type of ground. The issue is, what type will you be when it comes to receiving the words of Yeshua? Will you embrace His teachings and become a disciple, or will you cling to a man made religion that makes you feel good with no lasting results? The choice is yours.
Power Harnessed
12 hours ago