Don't be deceived; true Christians are not supporting Obama in this election. However, the opposite would appear to be the case. reports:
"The Democratic Party's outreach to young people and to people of faith seems to be paying off. A new survey on faith and American politics shows Democratic nominee Barack Obama making inroads among some believers and moving ahead of Republican John McCain among Roman Catholics, largely because of young Catholics' support.
In the biggest shift over the past four years, Senator Obama now wins the backing of 60 percent of voters who attend religious services once or twice a month, a jump from the 49 percent the Democratic nominee won in 2004.
Senator McCain holds the advantage only among the highly religious who attend once or more a week. Moreover, more Americans say Obama is more friendly to religion than is McCain (49 to 46 percent), an image booster for a party long seen as not particularly faith-friendly.
The survey titled "The Young and the Faithful" was released Wednesday by Faith in Public Life and was conducted by Public Religion Research (PRR). It involved interviews with a representative sample of 2,000 Americans and an oversample of 1,250 young people ages 18 to 34."
A careful reading of this report will reveal that Obama is attracting people not committed to their Christian faith. Those that attend services weekly are more likely to vote for McCain. Those that have "added a little religion" to their life like a new coat, are more likely vote for Obama. Isn't it obvious? It is what we have been saying: you CANNOT BE A CHRISTIAN and vote for Obama unless you are just unlearned about the Holy Scriptures. ABORTION IS MURDER! HOMOSEXUALITY IS AN ABOMINATION! Obama supports both; he is not a Christian at heart and neither are his supporters. Pray for our country; pray for Obama's supporters that they will see the truth of the Gospel before they face their judgment day.
More Martinique
23 hours ago
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