These were sent to me and I trust they will inspire you as you walk with Jesus Christ:
"When I pastored a country church, a farmer didn't like the
sermons I preached on hell. He said, 'Preach about the meek and
lowly Jesus.' I said, 'That's where I got my information about hell.'"
- Vance Havner
"It is one of the ironies of the ministry that the very man who works
in God's name is often hardest put to find time for God. The
parents of Jesus lost Him at church, and they were not the last
ones to lose Him there." - Vance Havner
"Where God builds a church the devil builds a chapel." - Martin Luther
"Folks, it's getting late and it's getting serious." - David Wilkerson
"Are we not told to seek first the Kingdom of God --- not the
means to advance it --- and that 'all these things' shall be added
to us? Such promises are surely sufficient." - Hudson Taylor
"Our prayers often resemble the mischievous tricks of town
children, who knock at their neighbors' houses and then run away;
we often knock at heaven's door and then run off into the spirit of
the world. Instead of waiting for entrance to be granted, we act as
if we were afraid of having our prayers answered." - Williams
"But from where shall I fetch my arguments? With what shall I win
them? O that I could tell! I would write to them in tears, I would
weep out every argument, I would empty my veins for ink, I would
petition them on my knees. O thankful should I be if they would be
prevailed with to repent and turn." - Joseph Alleine.
"Today, we are living in desperate times. Yet, the Church is not
desperate before God in prayer." - Chuck Smith
"Now, if the church ever recovers the power to break up demonism
in the community, it will bring down the wrath of evil and the
church may land in jail, but she'll learn how to sing in prison, pray
down an earthquake. Folks are asking "Will the church go
underground?" Well, she may develop more power underground
than she's got above ground these days. We're not going to pray
down earth quakes in committee meetings, sipping coffee and
reading the minutes of the last meeting." - Vance Havner
"My Lord was pleased to die for my sins; why should I not be glad
to give up my poor life out of love for Him?" - Girolamo Savanarola
"But is not the ground naturally bad in every heart? Undoubtedly.
And can any but God make it good? None. But it is your business,
when you hear of the justice and mercy of God, to implore him to
work in you that which is pleasing in his sight. No man shall be
condemned because he did not change his own heart, but
because he did not cry to God to change it, who gave him his Holy
Spirit for this very purpose, and which he, by his worldly-
mindedness and impiety, quenched. Whoso hath ears to hear let
him hear: and may the Lord save the reader from an impenitent
and unfruitful heart!" - Adam Clarke on Matt 13:23
"Instead of preaching the good news that sinners can be made
righteous in Christ and escape the wrath to come, the gospel has
degenerated into the pretext that we can be happy in Christ and
escape the hassles of life." - Ray Comfort
"Suppose I were a lawyer, and should go into court and spread out
my client's case, the issue is joined, and I make my statements,
and tell what I expect to prove, and then call in my witnesses. My
first witness takes his oath, and then rises up and contradicts me
to my face. What good will all my pleading do? I might address
the jury a month, and be as eloquent as Cicero, but so long as my
witnesses contradicted me, all my pleading would do no good.
Just so it is with a minister who is preaching in the midst of a cold,
stupid, and God-dishonoring church. In vain does he hold up to
view the great truths of religion, when every member of the church
is ready to swear he lies." - Charles Finney
Power Harnessed
12 hours ago
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