As the results from yesterday's election began pouring in, it was like watching a loved one slowly pass away. There was a sense of sadness. America is dead spiritually. The majority of the people have chosen the genocide candidate Barack Obama as the 44Th President of the United States. He believes in unrestricted abortion rights even to the point of insisting that children born alive as a result of a failed abortion attempt, receive no medical attention but be left alone to die. What type of people would vote for such a man? He has promised to approve legislation that will remove from the states the ability to limit abortion rights. He will appoint Supreme Court Justices that will insure that abortion is not restricted for a generation to come. Millions upon millions more babies will die legally. Also, Obama supports homosexual rights; they will be dancing in the streets because of their new friend in the White House.
People voted for him primarily because of their pocket book. They felt that he would do a better job on the economy. Babies will continue to die while they have a few more coins (they will not because of the coming economic judgment)to spend on things of the world that they will not be able to take with them when they die. I was greatly troubled by the large number of evangelical Christians that voted for Obama. They chose their skin color or their wallet over righteousness and holiness. They favored the baby killer. I believe that they need to repent for supporting a candidate that has such extreme abortion views.Unless they repent,their souls will face an eternal hell. It is one thing for the unbeliever to continue in their sin because they do not know better. However, the "Christian" that could vote for a man that stands for what Obama stands for, must do so with either a seared conscience or a lack of understanding on the issue. If the issue was a lack of understanding,if they fail to repent once they see the truth, it is my opinion that they cannot be true disciples of Jesus Christ. They may be church members, song leaders or even pastors, but not disciples of Christ; Jesus would never hurt the children. If they fail to repent, their hearts are hardened and like Pharaoh, there can be no genuine repentance. The sheep and the goats are becoming clearer. To those that voted for Obama, once you understand the truth, if you fail to repent you are lost. The issue is not your vote, it is that your vote supports abortion. Abortion is the sin. Cry to God that He might grant you repentance. If you don't see the sin, you will not repent and then the danger of being eternally lost exists.
Regarding America, we are doomed as a nation. She is spiritually dead. There is nothing more in the natural we can do. We have chosen money over sacred life. We have chosen to mock God and His plan for marriage. Focus on the living. Pray for revival; pray for lost souls; pray that Jesus comes again and quickly. God's righteous judgment is soon coming. Expect more economic collapse; expect our borders to be even more open; expect an international crisis soon. When these things occur, don't bother calling on God. You have rejected Him America. Now it is time to face the consequences of your sin. Judgment Day is coming.
To the believer, the words of Jesus to the church in Smyrna seem most appropriate:
Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who conquers will not be hurt by the second death.’ Revelation 2:10-11 (ESV)
Believer, be faithful and do not compromise. Do not fear what shall occur. Our God will take us through this time the way He provided for Joshua and Caleb in the wilderness.
Power Harnessed
11 hours ago
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