Conventionalism can be defined as: "A form of social subjectivism or relativism holding that truth, good, and beauty are merely a matter of arbitrary or artificial social convention and are not objective or scientific in any way." Conventionalism requires us to accept the truth of another as valid because all truth is subjective. There are no absolutes according to this view. Although many in the Western church has embraced this philosophy by the acceptance of homosexuality and abortion, as evidenced by the high percentages of professing Christians that supported Barack Obama for President, this approach must be resisted by those that hold fast to a Biblical worldview. Tolerance is not an option to Biblical Christianity. Where was Jesus tolerant to sin. He forgave but He admonished, "Go and sin no more." A Biblical worldview preaches forgiveness through the atonement of Jesus Christ with a duty to follow Him thereafter. Conventionalism says, "Your truth although different from mine is just as valid as mine. Truth can't be known for sure so we will co-exist without a need for either of us to change our behavior." Does that sound like Jesus? Absolutely not! Truth is truth in all circumstances. It is absolute and objective. God does not grade on a curve. His standards are perfect and all have a moral duty to live holy and righteous before Him. This can not be done in our own power, but only through the power of the Holy Spirit who transforms us as we walk in obedience to the Word of God.
When the world comes to you and pressures you to be tolerant, resist the temptation and stand for Biblical absolutes. Sin is sin and must be called out. Homosexuality and those that support them are in sin. Abortion and those that support abortion rights for any reason is sin. It is a time to stand for truth, to speak truth and to live the truth. Conventionalism is off the table for Christians; it is not an option.
Power Harnessed
12 hours ago
Romans 12:1-2 is your position then?
Romans 12:1-2 describes our response to the inward change that has been done in our heart by the Holy Spirit as explained in Ezekiel 36:25-29. The Romans passage describes how we are to follow Christ as His disciple. Man follows his nature; the unregenerate follow their father the devil while those regenerated by the Holy Spirit follow the nature of their new Father. Romans 12 tells us how to do that.
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