Disheartened by the extraordinary dangers and difficulties of their enterprise, a Roman army lost courage, and resolved on a retreat. The general reasoned with his soldiers. Expostulating with them, he appealed to their love of country, to their honor, and to their oaths. By all that could revive a fainting heart he sought to animate their courage and shake their resolution. Much they trusted, they admired, they loved him, but his appeals were all in vain. They were not to be moved; and carried away, as by panic, they faced round to retreat.
At this juncture they were forcing a mountain pass, and had just cleared a gorge where the road, between two stupendous rocks on one side and the foaming river on the other, was but a footpath, broad enough for the step of a single man. As a last resort he laid himself down there, saying, "If you will retreat, it is over this body you go, tramping me to death beneath your feet." No foot advanced. The flight was arrested. His soldiers could face the foe, but could not mangle beneath their feet one who loved them, and had often led their ranks to victory, sharing like a common soldier all the hardships of the campaign, and ever foremost in the fight. The sight was one to inspire them with decision. Hesitating no longer to advance, they wheeled round to resume their march, deeming it better to meet sufferings, and endure even death itself, than trample under foot their devoted and patriot leader. Their hearts recoiled from such an outrage.
A more touching spectacle bars our return. Jesus, as it were, lays Himself down on our path; nor can any become backslidden, and return to the practice and pleasure of sin, without trampling Him under their feet. These, Paul's very words call up a spectacle from which every lover of Christ should recoil with horror: "He," says that apostle, "who despised Moses' Law died without mercy...of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy who hath trodden under foot the Son of God.." -- Dr. Guthrie
Near Sardinia
15 hours ago
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