It is very common for the Christian Church to celebrate Lent, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter in the spring season. Except for a poor translation in the King James Version of the Bible, Easter is no where to be found in the Scriptures. In fact, none of the celebrations in the Christian Church are found in the Bible. That should be reason to stop and think what is the "church" doing? Easter is the name of the Babylonian goddess of fertility named Ishtar. The Babylonians held a fertility festival every spring, put on new outfits as the trees produced buds, and worshipped fertility symbols such as eggs and bunnies. Does any of this sound familiar?
The Hebrews had a different set of holidays. On the 14TH of Nisan (in March or April), Passover was celebrated commemorating the deliverance from Egyptian bondage. From the 15TH-21ST of Nisan (March or April), the Feast of Unleavened Bread was held. This feast remembers the Lord's instructions that for seven days, the children of Israel would eat unleavened bread. The bread was made in a hurry without yeast and represents the haste when The Hebrews left Egypt. On the 16TH of Nisan (March or April), First fruits is celebrated. People would offer the first ripe sheaf of barley to the Lord as an act of dedicating the harvest to Him. Notice that the First fruits celebration falls exactly three days after the Passover. Remember to the Hebrew, any part of a day counts as a full day. So day 1 would be Nisan 14; day 2 would be Nisan 15; and day 3 would be Nisan 16. Do you think that this is a coincidence. Let me remind you that there is no word in Hebrew for coincidence.
Perhaps those of us that believe that Yeshua rose from the dead on the third day should resist the temptation to acknowledge "Easter." Perhaps the better term would be "First fruits." Yeshua is the First fruit from the grave and He should be honored with Biblical terms, the ones the Father chose, as opposed to a Babylonian goddess. May you your celebration of First fruits this year be exceedingly blessed!
Caribbean Photos
10 hours ago
You should have included "Christmas" in this too. Evidence points to Christ probably being born more in the spring than Dec 25th. When Rome converted to Christianty they decided to use Pagan holidays to make conversion "easier" for people by letting them keep their holidays.
Christmas was not included because the post was referencing the spring Biblical holidays. That being said, I am of the opinion that "Christmas" should not be celebrated by those who are following Yeshua. The culture of the 1st Century did not include the celebration of any birthdays. The early community of believers did not celebrate Christmas or Easter. They celebrated the Biblical holidays and feasts. We would do well to do likewise.
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