Proverbs 26:20 says: For lack of wood a fire goes out, and without a querulous man contention is stilled. (JPS) A "querulous man" is a slanderer. This is someone who likes to speak untruths about another to create strife. One of the themes of Proverbs is the avoidance of contention among people. In Hebraic thought, it was just as important that you be in right relationship with the community of faith, as it was to be in right relationship with God. In fact, you could not be in right standing with God if you had a problem in the community. Remember the words of Jesus: Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. (Matthew 5:23-24) God doesn't want your gifts if you are at odds with the family of faith. I doubt you will hear this on the "Christian" television shows that seek your money, but it is the truth.
I saw the truth of this verse first hand. I saw a young man and young woman, both in their 20's and not related to each other, begin to spread untruths about a pastor's wife. It wasn't long before both the young people were gone, but the cancer they created stayed long enough to eventually foster a church split. Families that had been close friends for years were suddenly at odds with each other. It all sprang from slanderous remarks made by the instigators. If you can get rid of the wood, the fire will go out because there is nothing to keep it going. If you can get rid of the slanderers, contention will come to an end. I suggest we adhere to this Scripture and put away those that gossip and spread lies about another. We have the authority of God's Word. Matthew Henry said: "We must not associate with peevish passionate people, that are exceptions, and apt to put the worst constructions upon everything, that pick quarrels upon the least occasion, and are quick, and high, and hot, in resenting affronts. These are contentious men, that kindle strife. The less we have to do with such the better, for it will be very difficult to avoid quarrelling with those that are quarrelsome."
Today, don't speak negatively about others. Admittedly this is a higher standard than just not speaking slander, but it would do us well to follow the Jewish rules concerning ethical speech. In addition, don't receive slander. If someone begins such talk, tell them you will not entertain such speech and calmly walk away. You will be blessed if you follow these instructions.
Power Harnessed
12 hours ago
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