Proverbs 28:9 says: If one turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination. (RSV) The JPS translates the verse as follows: He who turns a deaf ear to instruction--His prayer is an abomination. (JPS) Based on this verse, most of the people I know that call themselves "Christians" have a prayer life that the Word calls an abomination. The notes of the JPS Study Bible explain the verse as follows: "If one does not listen to instruction ("torah"), God will not listen to him." The word "law" in the RSV and the word "instruction" is the Hebrew word torah. This should give us something to carefully consider.
Most "Christians" disregard the torah. The torah sets forth the seventh day of the week to keep, i.e. Saturday. The torah prohibits the eating of pork, shrimp, lobster, clams and oysters. The torah teaches us to say the shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-9; 11:18-19; Num 15:37-41) during the day and evening. How many Christians do you know that obey the instructions of the torah? Perhaps we know one reason why the prayers of the church are rarely answered. This verse describes them as an abomination. It is time to confront the church with its failure to adhere to the torah.
Today, I challenge you to read the Scriptures without the pre-conceived notion of what you think they mean. I challenge you to read the torah and obey it as complete as you can. There are no more animal sacrifices because the Temple was destroyed in 70AD and Jesus Christ was the final sacrifice. Read about how God wants you to live. Then, ask yourself, do you want Him to describe your prayers as an abomination?
Power Harnessed
11 hours ago
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