Yeshua continues His teaching in Mark 4:26-29: And He was saying, "The kingdom of Elohim is like a man who casts seed upon the soil; and goes to sleep at night and gets up by day, and the seed sprouts up and grows while he is not aware. "The soil produces crops by itself; first the plant, then the ear, then the mature grain in the full ear. "But when the crop permits, he immediately puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come." First, notice that it is the responsibility of the person in the Kingdom to sow or cast seeds. We know from the Parable of the Sower, that the seed is the word of Elohim. This is all being taught as a single session and the people listening would have known what Yeshua meant by the word "seed." He had just told them. Yeshua expects us to sow seeds as we live our lives day to day. This is the coming of the Kingdom of Elohim, the sowing of the word of Elohim in the hearts (i.e. ground) of those in contact with us.
Second, notice that the ground does the work of producing the harvest from the seed. Yeshua is teaching that it is the heart of man that receives the seed of the word of Elohim that will act upon the seed to produce the results. Further, notice that Yeshua is teaching that the harvest will come in stages, i.e. the plant, the ear, and finally the grain in the full ear. Yeshua is teaching the people that the Kingdom of Elohim produces the harvest in stages. People develop in stages and do not become instantly perfect as some teach. It seems clear that Yeshua is teaching a puncticular coming of the Kingdom with an ongoing manifestation in the lives of its subjects.
Today, are there those around you that have not come up to your level of perfection yet? Do you recognize that everyone is a work in progress? Perhaps, it is time to allow the word of Elohim to work in others lives without our critical judgment? So, what do you think? No, what are you going to do now?
Thought Police (rewind)
7 hours ago
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