As soon as Yeshua explains the Parable of the Sower, He says in Mark 4:21: And he said to them, "Is a lamp brought in to be put under a bushel, or under a bed, and not on a stand? Yeshua is sharing a very simple fact. A candle is to be placed on a candlestick, not hidden. The candle or lamp is a symbol; it represents a type of truth. It stands for the light of the truth. Light and truth are to be the character, the very nature and behavior of the disciple of Yeshua. The disciple is to live the truth. He is to set the candle, the truth in the most conspicuous place in his life. Yeshua is teaching that He will not have "closet" disciples. His followers will be known and recognized in the community.
What was the word that they had received at this point? Remember, Yeshua has just taught that the word that falls on good ground will bring forth fruit. The audience had the Torah, the Prophets, the Writings, and the message of repentance. It is these "words" that were to be seen in the lives of Yeshua's followers. Yeshua is teaching that it is a type of fruit to obey Torah and live a life of repentance. When we do so, we will be a light to the world. In the first century, Yeshua was no doubt referring to the listeners being Torah observant as a light to the Gentiles. Pagans worshiped on Sun-day, while the Jews did so on the Sabbath. The Pagans ate what they wanted, while the Jews ate Kosher. The Jews obeyed the Torah as God's instruction manual, while the Pagans did whatever made them feel good. Yeshua was calling His disciples to be different; they were to be a light and they were not to cover it up.
Today, examine what type of light you are. First, ask what truth is the basis of your life? Second, ask yourself, "Does my light shine or do I hide it?" Finally, ask yourself, "Does my truth line up with Yeshua's teachings?" If it doesn't, don't you think it is time to change?
Thought Police (rewind)
7 hours ago