After teaching about hearing, Yeshua says in Mark 4:24: "Watch what you hear. With that measure that you measure. It will be measured to you and it is increased to you, those who hear." The word "measure" is the Greek word metron and it means an instrument for measuring, and a vessel for receiving and determining the quantity of things, whether dry or liquid. Yeshua is teaching the following: (1) Be very careful about the things you hear that have an impact on how you live; (2) You will be measuring something, the choice of what you measure is yours; (3) You will receive treatment from others based on how you treat others; and (4) What you receive back will be increased. It is not an even exchange like a quid pro quo; there is a multiplication factor involved. This should cause us to stop and think about how we treat others because it will come back to us.
Yeshua tells the listener to "watch" what you hear. The word "watch" is the Greek word biepo and it means to see, discern, of the bodily eye with the bodily eye: to be possessed of sight, have the power of seeing perceive by the use of the eyes: to see, look descry to turn the eyes to anything: to look at, look upon, gaze at to perceive by the senses, to feel to discover by use, or to know by experience. The teaching of Yeshua is clear that we must make an effort to watch. Watching is not a passive activity. "Watch" is in the imperative mood. The imperative mood and expresses a command to the hearer to perform a certain action by the order and authority of the one commanding. Yeshua is commanding us to watch. He knows that what we watch, we hear; what we hear, really hear, will impact our lives. Yeshua's teaching can eliminate chaos in our life. He knows what is best.
Today, consider what you watch. Is it mindless TV shows, or worse? Would Yeshua be pleased with what falls before your eyes? Would He sit with you? Examine yourself; in the end, it can reduce or increase chaos depending on what you hear.
Thought Police (rewind)
7 hours ago