God created the heavens and the earth with words. He said, "Light be," and light was. Everything God did, He did with words. Everything Yeshua (Jesus) did, He spoke it first. We have previously studied the power of words by looking at the speech of David as he approached Goliath. Today, we look at letters. What are words composed of? They are made up of letters. If words have power, and they do, then we should expect their letters to likewise contain power. In Hebrew, every letter is a number and a picture. When we begin to compare the sum of different words, we learn something. Consider a Hebrew word for love which is ahebah. It is made up of the Hebrew letters Alef, Heh, Beth, and Heh. Their number total is 13. A Hebrew word for unity is achad. It is composed of the Hebrew letters Alef, Cheth, and Daleth. Its numbers also total 13. Since they have the same number, we can look to see the connection between the two words. Immediately we can see that love and unity are related. If unity is destroyed, it will impact the love relationship.
The Scriptures tell us that faith works by love. Love is the force that causes faith to have action. By comparing the words love and unity, we can pinpoint a potential cause if faith is not working. One may believe that they have love for their neighbor, but if there is strife and disunity in his or her life, love will be negatively impacted. We are to seek to be at peace with all men. It is one way we demonstrate love. There have been times in my life that I have separated from an associate to keep peace. I have explained that in the separation, peace can be maintained. It is better to love with unity than to separate to obtain peace; however, sometimes it is the only option.
Today, if you want to walk in a faith that moves mountains, strive to be in unity with all. That does not require you to loose your individuality. You can disagree without breaking unity. You don't have to agree with something that you think is incorrect; however, it does require you to love without fighting. Mountain moving faith works by love. If your faith is not producing Biblical fruit, check your relationships. See if there is strife, un-forgiveness, or anger toward another. If there is, repent, make restitution, i.e try to make it right, and walk in love. Then you can lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. You will cast out demons. That is the faith walk we need to bring true revival in our land.
Caribbean Photos
4 hours ago
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