What is the name of the Supreme Deity that you worship? This is a very important question. Isaiah 42: 8 says: "I am YHWH, that is My Name, and My esteem I do not give to another, nor My praise to idols." (The Scriptures) YHWH is very jealous and He does not want you giving your praise and worship to a false god. English Bibles from the King James to the present modern versions translate YHWH as "LORD" or "GOD." Those are incorrect translations. Gott, Goda, Gode, God, Gud, and Gade were found in ancient German languages as translations for Ba'al Gad. The astrologers of Babel called Jupiter (Zeus) by the name "Gad." Psalm 68:4 says: "Sing to Elohim, sing praises to His Name. Raise up a highway for Him. Who rides through the deserts, By His Name Yah." We are instructed to sing praises to His Name; we are not instructed to sing praises to a translated name. Think about it; your name remains the same regardless of the country you are in. Your name is not changed because the language spoken changes. Why should YHWH be treated differently?
His Name is very powerful. In that Name is found healing, deliverance, faith, power, salvation, and holiness. Isaiah 43: 11 says: "I, I am YHWH, and besides Me there is no saviour." We must get the Name correct as He says says that salvation depends on it. His Name is YHWH. The four letters are called The Tetragrammaton. His Name is not Jehovah. First, there was no "J" in Biblical Hebrew. It was pronounced as a "Y." Second, the word Jehovah was created by placing the vowels of Adonai between the Hebrew letters YHWH. Jehovah is a made up word. Most "Christians" would quickly condemn the calling of "God" by the name of Allah. They would protest that "God's" name is not Allah. However, when the true Name of YHWH is at issue, there appears to not be the sense of urgency to get the Name correct.
We are headed into some dark days ahead. We need to know upon Whom we are praying to. This is a very serious issue; one that we must get right. What is the name of the one you pray to? Is He the Elohim of the Hebrew Scriptures? Is He the One known as YHWH? YHWH is One and there is none beside Him. He will not share His glory with another.
Caribbean Photos
4 hours ago
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