Yeshua (Jesus) said in John 14:6: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (NIV) The Hebrew word for "truth" is e-met. It is composed of the letters Alef, Mem, and Tav. The word picture is, "The mother of the covenant (what nurtures the covenant)." Rabbis used the letters of this word to teach that the truth was the beginning, the middle, and the end. Alef is the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Mem is in the middle. Tav is the last letter. Now when we hear Yeshua say that He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, we can see the connection to "truth." Yeshua is the Word and the Word is truth. It does not just describe what is truth; it is truth.
As we live our lives, we are to start the day in the truth of God's Word. As our day progresses, we are to not depart from the Word. Finally, we are to conclude our day in the Word. Some may question how this can be done, specifically with the demands of "secular work." I suggest to you that there is no such thing as secular work. If you are where God has placed you, then what you do is an act of worship even if the world would call it secular. Whatever you do, do it for the glory of God. As you perform the tasks of work, be mindful of the blessings of having work. Be thankful that you are able to work. Remember your work is not your provider; it is God who is your provider. Your employment only provides a seed for you to sow for the Kingdom. It is not your ultimate source.
The Word is the truth. As we make it a part of our every waking moment we will notice changes. We will have confidence in the ultimate outcome of whatever we seek. Those around us will sense something different. There is hope abounding in those who have the truth of the Word. I have seen this many times. When someone comes into alignment with God's Word by speaking it and doing it, he or she will draw a crowd. It most likely will not be overnight, but if your motive is right (Doing all for the Glory of God as opposed to personal gain), success will accompany the Word. And that is the beginning, the middle, and the end of the matter.
Caribbean Photos
3 hours ago
1 comment:
The truth is Yeshua because Yeshua IS the actual spoken word of God. I've put a lot of thought into understanding this nature of Yeshua and I believe it to be true. Yeshua is YHWH's spoken word. Since he is YHWH's spoken work then he is one in the same as YHWH since YHWH's word cannot be less than YHWH. Is the spoken word of YHWH still YHWH? Of course! The word of YHWH is always the truth, it is always good, it is always just. Yeshua has all the attributes of YHWH because he is the manifestation of YHWH.
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