Grab your Bible and get quiet before the Lord. Read these quotes and meditate on Scripture. It is time to pray for America, your church, your family and friends. Evil abounds but God's grace is sufficient to see you through. Enjoy these quotes from men and women of God.
"The preacher who neglects to preach to himself has forgotten a
very important part of his audience. We must first address our own
soul. If we can move that by the words we may utter, we may hope
to have some power with the souls of others." - C.H. Spurgeon
"We manufacture atheists with mundane Christianity." - Robert Wurtz II
"If you ask me if I believe in the eternal security of the believer, I
would say I most certainly do. And I also believe in the insecurity
of the make-believer." - J. Vernon McGee
"Can we go too fast in saving souls? If anyone still wants a reply,
let him ask the lost souls in Hell." - William Booth
"God is the sweetest friend, but the worst enemy."—Thomas Watson
"Beware of a dividing spirit; shun whatever has the least aspect
that way. Therefore say not "I am of Paul, or of Apollos:" the very
thing which occasioned the schism at Corinth. Say not "This is
my preacher, the best preacher in the land; give me him and take
all the rest..." Do not run down any preacher. Do not exalt any
one above the rest, lest you hurt both him and the cause of God."
- John Wesley
"He that is down needs fear no fall, He that is low no pride."
- John Bunyan
"A man full of hope will be full of action."—Thomas Brooks
"We need to weep over the immorality in our homes. We have to
weep and wail that we have broken covenant with God."
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
"We are playing church. We are so busy trying to be relevant to
the world that we have become just like the world..... AND the
world is not impressed." - Nancy Leigh DeMoss
"There is nothing wrong with the command of God to 'stone the
false prophet!' The problem is that the church has discerned
wrongly and stoned the true prophet! That is why there are no
more true prophets in our days, because as soon as they begin
their ministry, we rub them out. This is the reason that so many
false prophets are running around, not just because it's the end of
the age but because we have disobeyed God, His command, and
killed off His prophets! We are like Herod, who in the midst of
John the Baptist's ministry, chose a wrong time to listen to his
conscience instead of the Holy Spirit!" - G.A. Jarquin
"If you study the Bible without applying it to your daily life, then it
would be better not to study it at all." - Zac Poonen
"'Nobody's perfect.' This is the hypocrite's couch. This is the
believer's bed of thorns." - Al Martin
"I have found that there are three stages in every great work of
God: first, it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done."
- James Hudson Taylor
"Self-condemnation is Satan's lie to prevent sinners from repenting."
- Pastor Jan Greenley (paraphrased)
"Surrender fully! Love wholly!"
-Yolanda Diehl
"Give! pour! pray! yield! follow!"
-Yolanda Diehl
Too Much Poetic License
8 hours ago
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