Yesterday, A Slice of Laodicea reported:
"Richard Cizik, VP for Governmental Affairs at the National Association of Evangelicals, appeared on the Fresh Air program on National Public Radio on Tuesday. When asked who he voted for in the election, Cizik announced he had voted for Barack Obama in the Virginia primary, and said that the vote should give some indication of how he voted in the general election. He went further and said that evangelicals could vote for a pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage politician even though they disagreed on those issues."
If the National Association of Evangelicals does not move to immediately confront Mr. Cizik concerning his indifference to the unborn, every true Christian should withdraw their support for the NAE. Write "Ichabod," which means "the glory is departed; the glory is not," across the NAE. If Cizik had lived at the time of birth of Jesus Christ, he may have supported another baby killer King Herod. The NAE's web site sets forth their values which include: "We stand committed to biblically defined family values, the sanctity of human life, and human rights." Well NAE, Mr. Czik does not support those values. Get rid of him as he is an affront to the cause of Jesus Christ.
We live in an age of great apostasy and Mr. Cizik's disregard for the sanctity of human life from a "Christian leader" is another example. We must remain true to traditional Biblical values. Many have fallen away as a result of the last Presidential election in their disregard of human life and the mockery of supporting gay rights. We must stand strong and not back down no matter the cost, no matter the lost friendships, or no matter the lost revenue. When one steps into eternity, none of those things will matter.
Process or Event
17 hours ago
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