I like good quotes. Statements from Godly men and women over the years can help encourage us. As we approach the weekend, may these accomplish that purpose:
"Light means nothing to a blind man." - A.W. Tozer
"Some preachers ought to put more fire into their sermons or more
sermons into the fire." - Vance Havner
"The Bible definitely is infallible, how else could it survive so many
years of bad preaching?" - Leonard Ravenhill
"People who do not know the Lord ask why in the world we waste
our lives as missionaries. They forget that they too are expending
their lives...and when the bubble has burst, they will have nothing
of eternal significance to show for the years they have wasted."
- Nate Saint, missionary martyr
"If you want the Kingdom speeded, go out and speed it yourselves.
Only obedience rationalizes prayer. Only Missions can redeem
your intercessions from insincerity." - William Carey
"The invasion of the Church by the world is a menace to the
extension of Christ's Kingdom. In all ages conformity to the world
by Christians has resulted in lack of spiritual life and a consequent
lack of spiritual vision and enterprise. A secularized or self-
centered Church can never evangelize the world." - John R. Mott
"There is need of a great revival of spiritual life, of truly fervent
devotion to our Lord Jesus, of entire consecration to His service. It
is only in a church in which this spirit of revival has at least begun,
that there is any hope of radical change in the relation of the
majority of our Christian people to mission work." – Andrew Murray
"Whenever, in any century, whether in a single heart or in a
company of believers, there has been a fresh effusion of the Spirit,
there has followed inevitably a fresh endeavor in the work of
evangelizing the world." - A. J. Gordon
"If missions languish, it is because the whole life of godliness is
feeble. The command to go everywhere and preach to everybody is
not obeyed, until the will is lost by self-surrender in the will of God.
There is little right giving because there is little right living, and
because of the lack of sympathetic contact with God in holiness of
heart, there is a lack of effectual contact with him at the Throne of
Grace. Living, praying, giving and going will always be found
together, and a low standard in one means a general debility in the
whole spiritual being." – Arthur T. Pierson
"Depend upon it, if you are bent on prayer, the devil will not leave
you alone. He will molest you, tantalize you, block you, and will
surely find some hindrances, big or little or both. And we
sometimes fail because we are ignorant of his devices…I do not
think he minds our praying about things if we leave it at that. What
he minds, and opposes steadily, is the prayer that prays on until it
is prayed through, assured of the answer." - Mary Warburton Booth
"The neglected heart will soon be a heart overrun with worldly
thoughts; the neglected life will soon become a moral chaos; the
church that is not jealously protected by mighty intercession and
sacrificial labors will before long become the abode of every evil
bird and the hiding place for unsuspected corruption. The creeping
wilderness will soon take over that church that trusts in its own
strength and forgets to watch and pray." - A. W. Tozer
"We have not been men of prayer. The spirit of prayer has
slumbered among us. The closet has been too little frequented and
delighted in. We have allowed business, study or active labor to
interfere with our closet-hours. And the feverish atmosphere in
which both the church and the nation are enveloped has found its
way into our prayer closets…" - Andrew Bonar
Process or Event
17 hours ago
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