I was hoping some incensed liberal would have attacked me regarding my stance against homosexuals. Why? Because I find that it is getting easier and easier to prove the godless humanistic worldview of the day is a total failure. The best argument against liberal humanistic thought is the results that their philosophy produces. It was reported yesterday:
American teenagers lie, steal and cheat more at "alarming rates," a study of nearly 30,000 high school students concluded Monday.
The attitudes and conduct of some 29,760 high school students across the United States "doesn't bode well for the future when these youngsters become the next generation's politicians and parents, cops and corporate executives, and journalists and generals," the non-profit Josephson Institute said.
In its 2008 Report Card on the Ethics of American Youth, the Los Angeles-based organization said the teenagers' responses to questions about lying, stealing and cheating "reveals entrenched habits of dishonesty for the workforce of the future."
Boys were found to lie and steal more than girls.
Overall, 30 percent of students admitted to stealing from a store within the past year, a two percent rise from 2006. More than one third of boys (35 percent) said they had stolen goods, compared to 26 percent of girls.
An overwhelming majority, 83 percent, of public school and private religious school students admitted to lying to their parents about something significant, compared to 78 percent for those attending independent non-religious schools.
"Cheating in school continues to be rampant and it's getting worse," the study found. Amongst those surveyed, 64 percent said they had cheated on a test, compared to 60 percent in 2006. And 38 percent said they had done so two or more times.
Despite no significant gender differences on exam cheating, students from non-religious independent schools had the lowest cheating rate, 47 percent, compared to 63 percent of students attending religious schools.
Should any of this be a surprise? God is removed from the public schools and we get an increase in lying, stealing, and cheating. It is interesting to note that religious schools produce even worse results. How can this be? It happens because religion won't produce any better results than secular efforts. It is not religion that changes someone; regeneration changes someone. The devil is still your father until you have been made new by the Holy Spirit and God becomes your Father. Without God in our schools, expect this situation to grow worse and worse. To any liberal "freethinker," answer me one question: Has their been a moral decline in our youth since the 1960's when God was removed from public schools? Don't evade the question just because the answer proves to be the Achilles heel of your position.
Process or Event
17 hours ago
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