It seems today that some in the American church are picking and choosing what they want to believe from the Word of God. The problem is, that you can't do that. You are either a follower of Yeshua, i.e. Jesus or you are following someone or something else. A noble idea or objective should not replace following the true God. Too many make a God in their own image, that satisfies their personal beliefs. While you wouldn't tell your doctor how to practice medicine, or your attorney how to practice law, we develop our own ideas theologically. The doctor can commit negligence and kill your body; the attorney can err and cost you money; but your choice of doctrine can eternally separate you from God. I read the following report from Moriel Ministries and below is a portion of it:
American individualism has made its imprint on Christianity.
A sizable majority of the country's faithful no longer hew closely to orthodox teachings, and look more to themselves than to churches or denominations to define their religious convictions, according to two recent surveys. More than half of all Christians also believe that some non-Christians can get into heaven.
"Growing numbers of people now serve as their own theologian-in-residence," said George Barna, president of Barna Group, on releasing findings of one of the polls on Jan. 12.
In the Barna survey, 71 percent of American adults say they are more likely to develop their own set of religious beliefs than to accept a defined set of teachings from a particular church. Even among born-again Christians, 61 percent pick and choose from the beliefs of different denominations. For people under the age of 25, the number rises to 82 percent.
Many "cafeteria Christians" go beyond the teachings of Christian denominations to embrace parts of other world religions.
Half of Americans also believe that Christianity is now just one of many faith options people can choose from (44 percent disagree with that perception).
Christians expressed a variety of unorthodox beliefs in the poll. Nearly half of those interviewed do not believe in the existence of Satan, one-third believe Jesus sinned while on earth, and two-fifths say they don't have a responsibility to share their faith with others.
The most striking divergence from orthodoxy, however, was first revealed in the 2007 US Religious Landscape Survey by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. That comprehensive survey of 35,000 Americans found a majority of Christians saying that people of other religions can find salvation and eternal life.
Pew undertook a follow-up survey, which it released in late December. That poll found 65 percent of American Christians (including 47 percent of Evangelicals) do indeed think that many different religions can lead to eternal life. Among these Christians, 80 percent cited one non-Christian faith as a route to salvation; 61 percent named two or more.
Forty-two percent of religious Americans also say atheists are able to find eternal life.
There are social issues today that the Bible provides clear instruction. However, today there are many, perhaps most, that have allowed the clear Word of God to be displaced for a different ideology. It will not work; God will not be mocked. You cannot mock Him throughout the week and then "worship" Him on Sunday. Such an action is repulsive to His holiness. What or whom are you following? Remember, you cannot be a "cafeteria Christian." It is all or nothing. Selah.
Process or Event
11 hours ago
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