Doesn't that phrase seem contradictory? How could there be a "hypocrisy of holiness?" By the term "holiness," I refer to those portions of Christendom who emphasize a particular style of dress, mostly burdening the women. There are rules for almost everything: sleeves must be 3/4 length (unless of course your work mandates shorter lengths as we cannot allow our money to be affected by holiness), you cannot look at television or movies unless they are seen on the Internet where somehow this changes their nature (although it must be recognized that some holiness groups do not allow you to have the Internet in your home; you must have a separate detached room away from your family or sit in your car with a wifi connection on your laptop), you can not own a television but during times of national tragedy, you may go to the local Wal-Mart to see the news, women may not wear pants since pants are strictly a manly dress, but women may wear men's sweatshirts as this somehow is acceptable, women are not to wear tight transparent clothing but they are required to wear pantyhose at all times outside of the home, you are not allowed to go out to eat on Sunday since that would involve causing others to work but it is acceptable to have the wives slave away and wait on the men preparing huge Sunday dinners, and you can't take a brother to court unless they leave your group and you sue to get the building back.
I could go on and on but you should see that to those who measure "holiness" by man's rules, it is like the boy who shot an arrow at the tree and then drew the circle around it. You never miss when you make up the rules. Candidly, the rules are cultural as many have grown up with these standards. That is fine and is no different than an American Indian dressing like his ancestors. The holiness ancestors are fixed somewhere between 1940 and 1955. The problem becomes when you think these rules make you holy. Holiness comes from God. It is living a life that is completely surrendered in every way to God and His Word. Holiness is not about dress; it is about being denying yourself, picking up your cross and following Jesus.
Don't settle for a cheap imitation of holiness; pursue the real holiness that comes from the grace of God as He changes you and causes you to follow Him all the way without reservation.
Process or Event
11 hours ago
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