Friday, October 15, 2010

Daily Word: Meditating on the Hebrew Alphabet (Yood)

The tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is Yood. Yood in ancient Hebrew meant a hand. Yood symbolized to work or a deed done. As we examine Hebrew words with Yood in them, we will see a hand at work. The Hebrew word for fear or awe is ya-ray. The word picture tells us that you will fear the one whose hand you see. The Hebrew word that means straight or upright is ya-shar. The word picture for upright is the hand of the prince or warrior. The Hebrew word for despair is ya-ash. The word picture says that you despair when the hand or work is fire (when that which you have labored for is destroyed). When one considers a hand, one thinks of action. Whether one is in fear, upright, or in despair, it is about the action that accompanies the emotion. This is not mental assent. It is action founded on belief.

In Psalm 119 verses 73-80, each verse begins with Yood. Since Yood means hand, these eight verses inform us that when we know the hand and the work of G-d, how He made and formed us, we will be able to trust Him to work faithfully in times of trouble. Those that trust in the hand of G-d will trust in His character and that includes trusting in His lovingkindness. We act on our knowledge of G-d's faithfulness in the past to guide us to the future. Because G-d has been faithful in the past, I can trust Him for the future.

Today, what do you trust about ADONAI? What do you know for certain about His past faithfulness that encourages you to trust Him in the present and in the future? Meditate (means mutter to oneself) on His past faithfulness. When you do, tomorrow looks much better.

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